Friday, July 02, 2010

The Sweetest Thing

There are a lot of sweet things in the world: ice cream, big bows on little girls, first kisses, daisies, chocolate chip cookies, cute shoes, etc. However, I think the sweetest thing in the entire world are sleeping babies. You know that feeling when you've been rocking a baby and he has been fussing, but then suddenly he succumbs to the sleep? Mmm, it's heavenly. Yesterday I got to experience that with my adorable nephew.

His momma is trying to keep him on a sleep schedule, and I'm trying to support her in that endeavor. So I was trying to push his second nap since he was just a bit fussy. I figured he could stay awake for 15 more minutes, so he would stay on schedule. I put him in his high chair while I unloaded the dishwasher. He loves his high chair. He sits there and reads books and talks to me like you see in this picture.

Yes, it does look like he's crying, but in reality he is just really passionate when he talks. I promise you he wasn't crying. He loves his aunt Jenny, so he never cries when he sees me. Anyway, a few minutes later he grew quiet suddenly and I look over to see that he decided he didn't want to wait until 11:30 for a nap.

How sweet is this? Seriously?

 I love his chunky little fingers. :)

So what's your sweetest thing?

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