Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Summer days slipping away....

Summer is officially over for me. It's back to work, so I thought I would give a quick tribute to the lazy days of June and July - especially since I didn't blog much about it during the actual months.

My summer started with a hiking trip with my family. We went to the Buffalo River area in Arkansas. The reason we went was Decoration Day and a family reunion. We hiked, canoed, and had a lot of fun as a family.

It ended with a trip to Colorado. (Well actually, it ended with a trip to the lake with my sister-in-laws, but I didn't take any photos there, so it doesn't get a full write up.) Anyway, in Colorado we hiked some more, drove a lot, and just enjoyed each others company. It was one of the best road trips ever. The scenery was gorgeous and the people were so much fun.

In between those trips, I hung out with friends a lot. We played volleyball, washers, card games, and stayed up way too late. 

Oh, and I planted a garden. Unfortunately gardening and traveling don't really go hand in hand, but I'm still looking forward to a pumpkin harvest this fall!

Plus I spent some time at camp and VBS with my church.

The best part about my summer was I got a new sister-in-law!! Watch out world, there are 2 Jenny Colliers now!

Yep, it was a good summer.

1 comment:

  1. There are TWO Jenny Colliers now!?!? That just made my day! :) Miss you!


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