Friday, October 15, 2010

I like to think one step ahead. Like a carpenter who builds stairs. -Dwight Shrute

Okay, I know that isn't a quote about an office, it's from the TV show The Office. I can't resist that show. It's hilarious! It's the only show I watch regularly. Now onto the point of the post.

Kelly is touring offices today. I love my home office and my school office. Although I don't spend much time in my home office.

Here is 2 photos of my school office. You only get one photo because my desk looks similar to a play room after a group of 3 year olds have attacked it. It's embarrassing.

My dad & I made me the chicken coup frame. It's really simple, just grab an old frame and some chicken coup wire, staple them together. I try to change the quote every week or so.

This is behind my desk.My friend just gave me the little hanging sign for my birthday, so that's why the tag is still there!

Okay, now for my home office. When I bought my house it looked like this.

Now it looks like this!
If you've read my blog before, you know I love a bargain. I got the desk at a garage sale for $30. The chairs were from Cargo Largo for $8 each. The rug was $15 from a garage sale. I don't know where anything else came from. Probably random sales or Hobby Lobby.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Your offices are great!! I'm impressed with the "school office" even if you didn't show your desk. When I was teaching, nothing within 10 feet ever looked that good. LOL!

    Great spaces!

  2. What a beautiful transformation!

  3. your desk....your desk...YOUR DESK!!!! I am is so very wonderful...and $8 chairs and a $15 rug to go girl!

  4. Love it! I still love the chicken wire frame as much as the day I laid eyes on it... I totally need one of those... good thing my birthday is coming up... :) hey.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BTW!! Tomorrow is the big day for you! :)

    love ya girl!

  5. This is soooo nice!!! Love the decor!!! :-)



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